
Global Learner College Globe Logo


The Global Learner College focuses on blending real world learning from where students live with their school learning. Students become American patriots, live the Golden Rule, and live and work harmonious with people from all parts of the world.

The Global Learner College prepares students to competitively compete in the global job market through the study and practice of the following Global Learner Characteristics:

  • American Patriot
  • Global Perspective
  • Integrity
  • Visionary Leadership
  • Digital Learner
  • Quality
  • Competitively and Entrepreneurially Competent
  • Citizenship, Service
path shown with puzzle pieces


The Slater Group has developed a comprehensive model for transforming students into alumni who are American patriots, live the Golden Rule, and are self-engaging to provide volunteer leadership and support for their families, their employers, and American communities.

School and college curriculums and experiences have been redesigned to ensure that every student has an equitable education and opportunity to successfully enter work, college, or the military.

Model Alum Scholarships are available to student who choose to live a life well lived based on the criteria of the Model Alum Pledge made in the 8th grade. Students who are chosen to participate in the elite Model Alum Special OPTS Ambassador program, at a participating community college, receive a free two-year education while preparing to obtain the highest levels of government security clearance.

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Entrepreneurial Business Planning

Non-profit is an Internal Revenue Service classification and not a sustainable business model. Colleges and foundations must operate like a for-profit business based on a sustainable entrepreneurial business plan. The Slater Group assist colleges and foundations in reducing cost and increasing revenue while transforming to an operationally and financially sustainable business model.


The Slater Group has over 30 years of successful fundraising experience. We assist organizations in developing a strong case for philanthropic support, identify and qualify prospects, and implement successful solicitation strategies. Our fundraising campaigns have and continue to make a difference in the lives of individuals and local communities.

Students Studying


The traditional college student services function has been redefined and restructured to address the root causes of student failure. The 20 most common barriers to student success are eliminated. All students remain on or above grade level and graduate with a sustainable starter career or succeed in college.

Beginning in the 8th grade and as often as needed, students take the Test of Adult Basic Education resulting in an individualized academic prescription. The college’s restructured Volunteer Corp, Developmental Education, and Adult Education correct any academic deficiencies.

Chess set on top of compass


Visionary and Strategic Planning

Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb by re-engineering the oil lamp, candle, or wooden torch. Visionary leaders can develop a vision for the future or make someone else’s vision a reality. We assist colleges and foundations in developing their vision and systemic strategic plan that transforms their vision into reality. Our visioning and strategic planning processes are inclusive, vision driven, outcome based, systemic in scope, and marketing oriented.

Systemic Culture Change

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. – Peter Drucker

Making incremental changes to what exists will not produce the results needed to change the culture of an organization. Our Systemic Culture Change methods make sure positive systemic culture changes are made within the time and resources allotted.

Competitively Marketing & Positioning

Remaining close to current customers and competitively positioning for future ones often requires adjustments in direction, services, branding, and communications with customers and constituents. Clarity and consistency in communicating the core benefits of your brand (through the right words and images) is an absolute imperative. We assist in developing your desired market position for existing and new markets across all types of media.

Relationship Management

Developing and maintaining positive relationships, with the people who can influence your organization’s mission and future, is critical for sustaining an organization or a career. The Slater Group assist in identifying these people and their contact points with the organization, employees, and volunteers. Relationship building and management strategies are implemented with each person.